- Community services and centres
- Healthcare & Caregiver Support Services
- Transportation
Outreach Services (Maxville Manor)
Maxville Manor Outreach Services provides a number of services to seniors and others with special needs who live in their own homes or in apartments, in Glengarry County and East Stormont.
- Email: info@maxvillemanor.ca
- Phone: (613) 527-2170
- Website: http://www.maxvillemanor.ca
- Address: 80 Mechanic Street West, Maxville, ON, Canada
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday: 9:-00am-5:00 pm
Voice message accepted: (613) 527-2170 ext.228
Email message accepted: pburtenshawlalonde@maxvillemanor.ca
Verified Dementia-Friendly Features
- English, Service animal friendly
- No
- Email: info@maxvillemanor.ca
- Phone: (613) 527-2170
- Website: http://www.maxvillemanor.ca
- Address: 80 Mechanic Street West, Maxville, ON, Canada
Hours of Operation label Monday-Friday: 9:-00am-5:00 pm Voice message accepted: (613) 527-2170 ext.228 Email message accepted: pburtenshawlalonde@maxvillemanor.ca
Maxville Manor Outreach Services is situated in Maxville and affiliated with Maxville Manor organization, a continuum of services for older adults. Wheelchair accessible and volunteer transportation may be arranged to medical appointments, grocery shopping. Other services include meal programs, day services, assurance programs, caregiver support and community information. COVID IPAC measures are in place.
Last updated: 25-02-2021