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  • Healthcare & Caregiver Support Services

Age Well Solutions – Care Navigation and Advocacy


With the right care, at the right time you can establish and maintain effective care strategies that really work, where ever it is you call home. Finding the practical care and support you need can be challenging, but once in place, it can enhance the overall well-being of those receiving care, as well as their caregivers.

Contact Info
  • Email: info@agewellsolutions.ca
  • Phone: (613) 277-6449
  • Website: https://www.agewellsolutions.ca/seniors-and-families/care-navigation-and-advocacy/
  • Address: 2293 Prospect Avenue, Ottawa, ON, Canada

Hours of Operation

Verified Dementia-Friendly Features

Dementia-Friendly Trained Staff
  • No


Regardless of the scenario, our care navigation and advocacy service acts quickly, and intelligently to help prioritize services, find solutions and monitor effectiveness. We work in concert with other members of your health care team for a complete and comprehensive care experience. Whether seeking an immediate solution, or developing a longer term plan, we will listen closely, thoughtfully and act in your or your loved one’s best interest.


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Last updated: 17-10-2022
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Care Facilities

Dementia-inclusive retirement homes and long-term care facilities.

Community services and centres

Resources that help you remain active in the community. Examples include town hall and senior centres.


Dementia-inclusive entertainment options across The 613. Examples include art galleries and museums.

Healthcare & Caregiver Support Services

Resources that support living well with dementia. Examples include health clinics, home care services and caregiver resources.

Legal & Financial

Resources that support your legal and financial needs.

Nourriture et boisson

Ressources locales qui permettent aux personnes ayant une démence ou à leurs proches de mettre de la nourriture sur la table ou de faire des sorties au restaurant.

Programmes d'activité physique et dʼapprentissage

Ressources locales qui vous aident à demeurer actifs et stimulent votre cerveau par l’apprentissage.

Safety Monitoring

Organizations, businesses and services that support living safely at home.

Services de santé et des proches aidants

Ressources locales qui favorisent la santé, le bien-être et la qualité de vie des personnes ayant une démence.

Services financiers et juridiques

Ressources locales qui répondent besoins en matière de services juridiques et financiers.


Sale of goods and services to consumers in The 613.  Examples include local shops, grocery stores, and pharmacies.

Surveillance de la sécurité

Ressources locales qui favorisent un maintien à domicile sécuritaire pour les personnes ayant une démence.

Transport et logement

Ressources locales qui offrent des options de logement et des services de transport pour les personnes ayant une démence.


Dementia-inclusive transportation options and traveling across The 613.